Nearly ready for the slopes :: Knitting ::

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Happy Wednesday everyone! I was hoping to show you my finished Fidra - instead you will have to make do with my nearly finished Fidra. I will just have to take pictures of the finished beanie on the slopes - yes we are off skiing, and I cannot wait!

Anyway back to my Fidra - of course I am not the only knitting this beanie hat. There are so many amazing versions out there, including this one that has shown up on my Pinterest homepage many times. I have had a pattern in my library for at least a month  - and then I saw one version knitted in Cyrano - the yarn I intended to use for mine. Before that version I was not sure whether Cyrano would work. I am not sure why, because it is perfect for it. I love this yarn - De Rerum Natura is one of my favourite yarns (and of course it is ethical). The colour is poivre (the same as the one used for Baby MiH's acorn hat - we are now matching!). 

Better get back to the final rows - for one warm beanie hat for the snow. I may sneak in a new hat for Baby MiH too - he has requested a new one. 

Linking to Yarn Along today (I am currently reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert - nearly finished too!)


  1. Ooh! I love this beanie design you're finishing up. Faved it on Rav. I like the upward lace v's. It'll have a great photo shoot with you on the slopes! Have a blast.

  2. Oh, action shots in the snow- yes please! Your cute hat will be perfect for skiing!

  3. What a great gray color and pattern!

  4. This color is so beautiful!!! I love it so much! I can't stop wearing my Fidra... it's just such a nice pattern!

  5. that yarn looks sooo lovely! and have fun skiing, glad to see you are getting out and having some fun!

  6. I was wondering why that yarn looked deliciously familiar... Matching hats sounds awesome! Have fun!
