One Month

Monday, 14 January 2013

My baby is already one month - how did that happen? Many things have changed of course, but a few that I did not expect. For instance, 

- 'poo' - colour, consistency, frequency - anything can be discussed and it is highly important for everyone. Did I ever care about poo before? NEVER. 

Mummy, I need more food! 
- organised, we are officially organised - got rid of DVDs, books, CDs - a real clear out. We bought folders for .. everything - when before things would be around the house (but I would still find them..). Adulthood has hit us. 

Baby MiH is having a deep and meaningful conversation with himself
- meals - I now follow the dissociated diet, nothing at the same time - sometimes with a couple of hours (time to feed).. 

My Mummy made me this hat! 
 - mornings ... are time to stay in bed, and feed and change nappies - key tasks of my new daily routine. We do not get down before 12 - I suppose it saves me watching more daytime TV! Instead I get to do some knitting - and fall asleep... 

- love - well there is nothing to describe how I feel when he smiles at me. I cannot resist.. 

Here is part of the new project for Baby MiH - I forgot how annoying it was to make pompoms the old-fashioned way, but I am hoping to get a nice colour effect!

The yarn is Zwerger Garn Opal Hundertwasser - left from this scarf


  1. I loved the first few months, enjoy!

  2. One month already....he is a sweetie! Enjoy this special time together. x

  3. Wonderful pics, sounds like you're getting along fabulously!
    Convo'd you about the yarn btw :)

  4. congrats Nat! you're in LOVE. ahhh they grow sooo fast! enjoy every minute. he's a doll, and i adore his little hat!

  5. Seriously awesome. What an adorable little guy!

  6. What a sweetie pie... The second pic cracks me up!

  7. He is just so precious! I loved when my babes were tiny. Perhaps that's why I did it so many times ; )

  8. how time flies! has it been a month already!? what a cutie and lucky fella who gets lot of handmade!

  9. A month beautifully summarised. So glad you are loving motherhood, but then he is so loveable.

  10. what a cutie! Glad everything is good xx

  11. He is adorable, enjoy these precious times.

  12. He is just the cutest little guy - welcome to adulthood...sounds good to me :-)

  13. I love your observations... it was similar to what I remeber and brought a big smile to my face reminiscing. As do those pictures of your cutie pie :)

  14. He is very gorgeous and a perfect model.

  15. Oh he is just gorgeous.bits funny how one tiny little person can change everything so dramatically!

  16. One month! He's so adorable and the hat you made is perfect :)

  17. Congratulations! I am sure you have your hands full now with the beautiful baby arriving. Best of luck and enjoy your new companion!
    ; )

  18. Seriously adorable! (and what a stinkin' cute hat!) Hope things are going well and you're getting some sleep.

  19. He is adorable and growing up so fast!

  20. Parenthood is definitely an adjustment! It's not about you anymore. Life centers around this miraculous little being you and your husband created. He is adorable. His expressions are priceless.

  21. It used to freak me out how fast mine was growing, especially at that age! To be honest it still does now! And yes.....those smiles could melt glaciers!
