Happy Feet!!

Friday, 12 April 2013

I went through different names for this little cheeky penguin (Gege le Pengouin was a close second), but the back made me think of Happy Feet! It is a finish, whoohoo! 

You may have noticed that I made a new paper piecing penguin since introducing him to you a couple of weeks ago. The fabric for his torso (do penguins have torsos?) has now writing on it, to go with the ones on the back of the cushion. Matching alert everyone, I am actually caring about the back as well as the front of my project now! 

I did some embroidery for the eyes - very therapeutic actually. And you will have noted that I may be the only person that can mess up a paper piecing pattern, and there is a little black triangle that should not be there (a bit like an added third ear). Don't ask me how I managed it, I really don't know. 

I kept it really simple at the front - to make sure the penguin strip would stand out. I may add some snowflakes quilting later - but not sure yet. I top-stitched the white bands of fabric. 

For once I am very happy to show you the back of my work. I saw this fabric first on Don't Call me Betsy - and I just had to get it. It is so perfect, the penguins are so cool! I used the Sew Mama Sew tutorial for the zipper, and it is amazingly simple! Why no one told me before - than you Jess for showing me the light!

Here are more details about the cushion:

- Paper Piecing pattern from Pretty in Patchwork: Holidays (the correct version of the pattern here)
- Blue background fabric for the penguin is Leah Duncan Maya fabric (also used for Baby MiH's moses basket)
- Penguin torso fabric is Mon Amie in white found at Plush Addict (UK based)
- Kona solids for the rest (can be found at Simply Solids, UK based)
- Back fabric is Circus - Penguins on Blue by Nancy Wolff found at Plush Addict 
- The flap fabric was in my stash (I think I got it from Stefanie Style Etsy shop)
- Embroidery floss from DMC. 

This is one cute little fellow for Baby MiH's cot! I am quite pleased with my first paper piecing finish! 

PS: Did you read the Susan's post on Le Challenge, she has also got an amazing giveaway - you can enter here! Only a couple of days left to finish your entry! 

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  1. Baby MiH will be a happy little boy with his new friend Happy Feet. Love the eyes:)

  2. That is a very cute penguin indeed!Baby MiH will love him!

  3. This is so cute! I love the penguin, and I love the fabric you used for it! :)

  4. Oh my. Cuteness! I like ya added triangle. Looks like a stray feather on the side

  5. Love the penguin - the extra black triangle adds character! Love the backing fabric too.

  6. You did a great job! Are you hooked?

  7. That penguin is ADORABLE. Love it.

  8. oh just so gorgeous!!! Love the pretty simplicity mixed with the whimsy of the penguins!! Fabulous paper piecing :)

  9. That is such a cool technique. This came out fantastic. What boo boo? I don't see any. Loved that Happy Feet movie.

  10. Very cute!! I am just working on my challenge make and loved Susan's post.

  11. That is just too cute! The cushion looks so perfectly made and the wee penguin is adorable. Love the back too.

  12. Completely adorable! I love how the penguin on the front appears to be peeking from around the corner. And, I think you did wonderful work embroidering his eyes!

  13. I love the expression on his face. (I presume it's a boy!)

  14. He is SO cute!!(I can't see the third ear BTW!) I think adding the embroidered facial features gives Mr Happy (or is that Mr Feet?!) such character! Fabulous!

  15. That is just the cutest cushion ever!

  16. Haha... This is so cute/funny! Very clever too!

  17. He's soooo cute! peeking from the side like that. :)

  18. Wow it is so cute! You did a great job!

  19. Awesome Nat! I'm totally addicted to finishing the back of cushions like that, glad you are too ;o)

  20. I love this pillow. What a great choice of fabrics too!

  21. Absolutely adorable! Great job Nat!

  22. This penguine (and the pillow) is just lovely! Little Luc is a very lucky baby as he is surrounded by so many beautiful objects! Caterina

  23. Hi Nat, just found your lovely blog as I was trying to scout out the best place to buy this Nancy Wolff fabric. One look at your blog and I instantly knew I had to follow you on Pinterest! Look forward to reading about your homey projects :) Sarah ricracandretro.blogspot.com.au, and I'm on FB at facebook.com/ricracandretro
