The Way I Blog :: Grace and Favour ::

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you are all having a great weekend! Christmas has totally crept up on me, and it feels like there is no time for anything. I cannot wait for January for life to slow down a bit and being able to enjoy some quiet times. Although I have not blogged as regularly as I would like to lately (mostly due to a lack of finished project), I made plans to be more present in 2016, and I am still trying to find the right balance between crafting, blogging and of course my life. I have also often questioned the way I am/was blogging. And as always when it comes to learning, I ask people I admire to tell me more about their experience. Although I do not quilt as much as I did (I may have done only this pillow this year) it is still an interest of mine, and I follow a lot of quilting blogs. Carla will kindly be sharing 'the way she blogs' today. She quilts, knits, talks about her children and grandchildren - I love how you get to know more about her through her projects. Her article is really instructive, and there are definitely points I will take on board for my own blog, like how short a post could/should be
Thanks so much Carla!

Hello everyone! Thanks for inviting me over! I'm really happy to be here and to chat to you all about blogging!

Several years ago I hosted a Moda club in the quilt shop where I work. Pre-cuts were becoming popular so we started a club where I would feature a particular pre-cut and have a sample quilt made. My blog started as a result of that. It was a way of keeping the interest for the club going by providing sneak peeks of what I was working on. Then it grew. I started getting comments from all over the place and realized just how big the blogosphere was!  That was about 5 years ago and although I no longer host the club, my blog remains a big part of my quilting life. I’m unable to post as often as I used to, but I still aim for once a week.

I do like the modern quilts, and I guess I consider myself a more modern quilter rather than the traditional quilter I started out as.  I used to think all my quilts would be hand pieced and hand quilted. Ya right.

I try to take pictures that are clear and well lit.  I don’t have an expensive camera so daylight is my best friend.  I don’t say a lot on my blog posts because I know people are busy and want to stop by for a quick visit and some inspiration.

Carla's amazing piecing arrows tutorial is here
I seem to have too many things on the go these days, but I blog about my finishes, bee blocks, and a little knitting which is another passion.  I was a knitter before I was a quilter.

This past year we had two new baby boys added to our family so my time is spread even thinner.  They are both the cutest little things and I love snuggling with them.  My motivation comes from my family.  We have six grown children and now four grand children.  I am always thinking of what I can make someone next.  My family appreciates all I do and love the hand made items I give them.. Nothing gives me a greater sense of accomplishment than when I see them using what I have made.

 Thanks so much Nat for asking me to be part of this!


  1. Thanks for this Nat. It's fun to see just what quilts you chose. Enjoy your day!

  2. Thanks for sharing a bit more of Carla's blogging journey with us Nat! I got to know Carla by being in a bee with her for the last four years, and she often (always!) comments on my blog too! Isn't that triangle quilt the cutest?!

  3. oh, this was a great guest post, I love Carla and her stunning quilts! It's always so interesting to hear about another's blogging process.

  4. Such gorgeous quilts!! Love those arrows.. Will pin it for future reference. Thanks for sharing!
