Wednesday 7 October 2015

Yesterday was a very sad day, I had to say goodnight to my little blue eyed angel forever. It was so sudden, I hardly had time to say good night to him - and we were not ready for this. There are no words. I received a lot of support - from family, friends, people I don't even know. The next weeks and years will be tough. I need to carry on for Baby MiH - he is starting to understand, but it will take time. I am filling his schedule with playdates and activities so that his (maybe even my) time to reflect is limited, and I am hoping that he is young enough to remember but can make a new life for himself. We are working on our new normal with my little boy with the moon and the stars.

Mr MiH is running a 10k for him on Sunday. If you can do something on Sunday just to remember him, light a candle, say a prayer, run a 10k, whatever you would like to do, please do.

I know Lucy from Charm about You is organising a bee for a quilt on IG as well. The
 ‪#‎therearenowordsquilt‬I cannot tell you how appropriate the name is.


  1. love and peace to you and yours, Nat. Now and always xxxx

  2. Nat, this is heartbreaking! As a mother, I feel you pain. I cannot even imagine how you must be hurting right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Those blue eyes will certainly never be forgotten.

  3. I'm so, so sorry...sending strength and prayers.

  4. My gosh, Nat, there really are no words. Saying I'm sorry doesn't seem to cover it. You are all in my thoughts. Sending love and peace.

  5. You and your family are in my thoughts xxx

  6. I am absolutely devastated for you and your family, Nat - what sad news. Thinking of you all and sending lots of love.

  7. Nat, nothing can express my sorrow for you and your family. I am so sorry xx

  8. Nat, nothing can express my sorrow for you and your family. I am so sorry xx

  9. I am so sorry for the loss you are all living through. I will hold space for your gorgeous boy on Sunday.

  10. OMG! I am in total shock. I'm so sorry, Nat. I'm so sorry. My heart breaks for you and your family. Sending you a hug.

  11. Oh, Nat, I am so heartbroken for you. I am so very sorry that you're suffering such a terrible loss. You're in my thoughts and prayers now and I'll light a candle for you on Sunday.

  12. I wish I could do more for you than make a simple bee is not nearly enough. Thought and prayers xx

  13. oh my gosh, there are truly no words for how sorry I am, for the magnitude of your loss. I'm thinking of you, trying to lend you strength, for this is truly the hardest thing to endure.

  14. I'm so, so sorry to hear this, Nat. You and your family are in my thoughts xxx

  15. You have been in my thoughts almost constantly since I read your IG post. I cannot even begin to imagine what pain and sadness you must be feeling! You and your family will continue to be in my prayers Nat.....

  16. Absolutely not able to get over this news ever since I heard this. I keep coming back to see Little Baby Mih's picture. I am a first time mommy and it pains me no end to imagine what you may be feeling. My thoughts and prayers are with you for strength and peace.

  17. There really are no words, sending you a virtual hug and lighting a candle for your blue eyed Angel.

  18. So devastating, wish there were words to express. I am so sorry dear Nat.

  19. There really are no words, sending you hugs and strength!

  20. I am so sorry to hear that... My condolences to you and your family. *big hugs*
